PNC-27 Peptide

During our consultation with the doctor on PNC 27, I was very hesitant to have Nick incorporate it on his healing journey.  I was nervous when he brought up what it could to do large tumors.  He said in layman's terms that this peptide goes in like a wood pecker and starts pecking at the tumor and can break your large tumor open in half which will release the toxins into your body.  This is called Tumor Lysis Syndrome.  We have not had previously good luck with the conventional medical system, so if this did happen I wasn't wanting to deal with the system. Nick was all for it!  He wants this tumor gone.  I am here to support whatever decision he makes!

I started giving Nick his injections of PNC-27 on August 1st 2023.  On August 15th (His birthday) we ended up in the Er. He started feeling flu like on the 14th with pain in his kidney.  He ran a mild fever on and off through the night.  I was like a mom to a newborn baby.  I woke up every hour feeling his head and taking his temperature.  He got to 101 at 4am and that's when I told him we should go to the ER.  

His blood work came back fine.  In fact they wouldn't have know that he had cancer if we did not tell them.  Only thing they noticed wrong with his blood was his Uric acid levels were a tad high.  He prescribed Nick medication for gout.  (He did not take the medication as he doesn't have gout) Instead of arguing he took the prescription and we left.  We monitored Nick and he was back to himself in about 4 days.  Our ND recommended we cut back on the PNC in case it was working too fast.  September 16th he had the same symptoms.  We stopped the PNC all together.  He continued to get these symptoms every month at the same time.  Like a woman would get her cycle.  It was the strangest thing.

December 6th it came early (the day he had his second MRI, which interfered with the results we were looking for) and when it came December 27th we knew it wasn't the PNC.  With a little detective work we think we figured out what was causing his pain and inflammation issues in his kidney. We changed our diet and his pain and inflammation are receding.  He started the PNC again on January 10th!  He has not had any symptoms other than fatigue,  but I think that might be from our recent two week trip to visit family where he did way too much!  He was so happy and felt somewhat normal so he indulged in life!  His diet did not change but his activity level did!  We want his quality of life to be amazing, because you just dont know what tomorrow will bring.  

What is PNC-27? 
PNC-27 is a peptide that was “designed by a supercomputer and derived from proteins of a moth and fruit fly¹.” Its purpose is to target and destroy cancer cells, meanwhile leaving all healthy cells unharmed to prevent the drastic side effects that usual chemotherapy would cause. Discovered in 2006, the peptide has been studied on its effects on multiple cancers including leukemia, melanoma, breast cancer, pancreatic cancer and many others.  Peptide PNC-27 mimics the p53 protein by acting as a tumor suppressor and targeting another protein called HDM-2 on cancer cell membranes; creating holes within them. These holes induce an imbalance in the osmotic pressure, thus leading to rapid implosions and subsequent cancer cell deaths. It has been found that this peptide can completely eliminate an entire population of a million cells in about 72 hours or less (1). Cancer patients on this peptide will eventually notice no effect on other body functions such as the digestive system, respiratory system, immune system, etc. Furthermore, there will be high amounts of damage among rapidly dividing malignant cells, and it will enhance all other cancer treatments and medications. 
Watch the video in the sidebar to learn more!

Im not giving medical advice,  Just sharing our journey and what we are doing.  

You are welcome to email me with any questions at the 

Blessing to you all! 


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